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Perils are fully editable

Default List

You should have a default list of Perils and casues and all can be edited by click on them. You can also add new ones by Add New Peril

Add New Peril

You must Create the Peril (in this case Fire and Flood) BEFORE adding causes. if you do not create it first you will not save the Causes that you have added.

Once created

Once created go back into the list and click on the Peril you have created to add causes. You will see the Fire and Flood Peril has no Causes added yet.

Adding Causes

This is done so you can automatically populate your new valuations requests with the correct amount of underlay against each peril and cause 

Adding Causes

You can add any casue you wish and you can pre configure the amount of area you would like to automatically provide underlay for, for example a cigarette burn you may allow 1 sqm of underlay. For a radiator burst you may allow the whole room

Adding causes

You can add more than one at a time

In the list

Two Causes have been added to the Fire and Flood peril and therse can now be selected when send a new valuation.

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